Is coming out always best?

I am going to look for this article later today. Looks interesting and potentially relevant to the sexual identity therapy discussions generated by the New York Times Magazine last week. Released: 6/15/2011 12:25 PM EDT Embargo expired: 6/20/2011 1:00 AM EDT Source: University of Rochester Disclosing Sexual Orientation Makes People Even Happier Than Thought, But … Continue reading “Is coming out always best?”

Summer in the City – Lovin Spoonful

This short 1966 classic brought the heat. Heads up: during the summer, I will be putting up some “best hits” from the past. I have some writing projects that I must get done and won’t be able to blog as consistently as usual. This week, I will put up some posts on reparative therapy with … Continue reading “Summer in the City – Lovin Spoonful”

I am not a part of NARTH

UPDATE (Monday morning): The references to me have been removed from the CP article… That’s the best title I could think of after reading this article in the Christian Post: Ex-gay Convention Draws Protestors in Penn. I suspect Stephanie Samuel just doesn’t know the area well enough to know why the way she wrote her … Continue reading “I am not a part of NARTH”

NARTH 2010: Schoenewolf returns

About this time four years ago, I was debating about whether to attend the National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) conference. I was scheduled to talk about the Sexual Identity Therapy framework. However, I decided not to go (and Scientific Advisory Board member, David Blakeslee, resigned from NARTH) after a controversy broke out over an article on the … Continue reading “NARTH 2010: Schoenewolf returns”

Lifesitenews article: An exercise in confirmation bias

Yesterday, Lifesitenews published an article complaining about me. Many of the complains are recycled from Peter LaBarbera’s website and a OneNewsNow article. I addressed those criticisms here and here. Mark Yarhouse also did so on the SIT Framework website. Beyond rehashing LaBarbera’s issues, I think the article reflects poorly on Lifesitenews. Let’s start with their characterization … Continue reading “Lifesitenews article: An exercise in confirmation bias”