Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore Says First Amendment Only Protects Christians

This is a few days old but still worth talking about. Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore preached a sermon recently in which he said the First Amendment only applies to people who believe in the God of the Bible. Here is the video: [youtube][/youtube] At 1:15, Moore said: Everybody, to include the Supreme Court, in … Continue reading “Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore Says First Amendment Only Protects Christians”

Mars Hill Church and the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, Part One

On March 7, Mars Hill Church’s Board of Advisors and Accountability issued a statement about several matters of controversy involving Mark Driscoll and the church. One issue was the change of governance in 2007. The BOAA said: CHANGES TO GOVERNANCE For many years Mars Hill Church was led by a board of Elders, most of … Continue reading “Mars Hill Church and the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, Part One”

Nice Review of Getting Jefferson Right: Fact Checking Claims about Our Third President

This was a pleasure to see: Excellent Rebuttal of David Barton’s inappropriately named book, “The Jefferson Lies.”, March 12, 2014 This book saved me the trouble of rebutting David Barton’s book, “The Jefferson Lies.” The authors supply the reader with the missing words of Thomas Jefferson. They also supply information from Jefferson’s time to provide background. David … Continue reading “Nice Review of Getting Jefferson Right: Fact Checking Claims about Our Third President”

How to Revise History the Mark Driscoll Way.

“Thanks to Lief Moi and Mike Gunn for helping me plant Mars Hill Church.” (Mark Driscoll, 2004. The Radical Reformission, page 9). Last Friday, I posted an article by Becky Garrison on Driscoll’s exclusion of two of the founders from the history of Mars Hill Church in his recent materials. However, in 2004, Mark Driscoll gave … Continue reading “How to Revise History the Mark Driscoll Way.”

Becky Garrison: Mark Driscoll’s Revisionist History

The following is a guest post by Becky Garrison. Garrison is the author of seven books, including Roger Williams’ Little Book of Virtues, and Red and Blue God, Black and Blue Church. She has contributed to a range of outlets including The Guardian, Religion Dispatches, Killing the Buddha, and The Humanist. Mark Driscoll’s Revisionist History by Becky Garrison Who founded Mars … Continue reading “Becky Garrison: Mark Driscoll’s Revisionist History”