New Zealand study examines abortion and mental health link

Joining the Coleman et al study is a study reported by this Medical News Today news release: Women who have an abortion face a small increase in the risk of developing common mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, according to a new study from New Zealand. But the researchers, writing in the December … Continue reading “New Zealand study examines abortion and mental health link”

Obama an ACORN trainer? What does hired mean?

Barack Obama’s Fight the Smears website claims he was never hired to be a trainer for ACORN. However, evidence is pointing the other way. Here is what the Obama website says: The truth is that Barack was never a community organizer or trainer for ACORN, and he was never employed by ACORN in any other … Continue reading “Obama an ACORN trainer? What does hired mean?”

Washington Times: Is abortion a mental health risk?

This morning, the Washington Times published my article on the American Psychological Association Mental Health and Abortion Task Force. In it, I call for the APA to start over on this topic. One study formed the essential basis for the Task Force conclusions. I do not agree that the Gilchrist study is better than the … Continue reading “Washington Times: Is abortion a mental health risk?”

Norwegian study finds abortion-depression link

A relatively recent study from Norway finds a link between abortion and subsequent depression. Titled, Abortion and depression: A population-based longitudinal study of young women, the research was conducted by Willy Pedersen and published in the 2008 Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, volume 36, pages 424–428. Here is the abstract: Induced abortion is an experience … Continue reading “Norwegian study finds abortion-depression link”

Reports of adverse reactions to abortion: How should mental health professional groups respond?

In addition to my work in sexual identity issues, I am quite interested in policy relating to the psychological reactions of women who have had abortions. I have observed over the past several years that women who associate their abortion with mental health distress have approached the American Psychological Association with their concerns and stories. … Continue reading “Reports of adverse reactions to abortion: How should mental health professional groups respond?”