Uganda Joint Christian Council recommendations to Parliament for the Anti-Homosexuality Bill

Recently Canyon Ridge Christian Church launched a defense of their partnership with Uganda’s Martin Ssempa. Despite the fact that Willow Creek Association expressed regret over their 2007 award to Ssempa for his AIDS work and Rick Warren’s condemnation of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, Pastor Kevin Odor told his congregation a couple of Sundays ago that the … Continue reading “Uganda Joint Christian Council recommendations to Parliament for the Anti-Homosexuality Bill”

OneNewsNow distorts Karten sexual orientation change study

Dog bites man. OneNewsNow distorts sexual orientation research. In a great example of why I hope Janet Porter’s prayer to take over the media is never realized, OneNewsNow distorts the import of Elan Karten’s doctoral dissertation research reported recently in Journal of Men’s Studies. Here is the OneNewsNow title: ‘Orientation’ change efforts effective. Here is … Continue reading “OneNewsNow distorts Karten sexual orientation change study”

Sexual Identity Therapy Framework resources

Peter LaBarbera today reprints Laurie Higgins critique of an article by Mark Yarhouse regarding the application of our sexual identity therapy framework (SITF). I am aware he does not mean to promote the framework but his articles have increased my emails about the framework and requests for referrals to therapists who practice in that manner. … Continue reading “Sexual Identity Therapy Framework resources”

Archbishop Tutu leads coalition to oppose Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill

This statement was just released. It represents an affirmation of rights and opposition to Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill by a diverse group of civil and religious leaders. Press Release:March 31, 2009 Leading African clergy, jurists and civil society groups call on Uganda to stop the Anti-Homosexuality Bill Leading African clergy and prominent individuals, as well as more than 60 … Continue reading “Archbishop Tutu leads coalition to oppose Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill”

Losing my religion? That’s news to me…

UPDATE 2: Is NARTH the next target for Peter LaBarbera? Since NARTH’s website also allows for client self-determination regarding goals and objectives, they are the next logical target. Also, Dr. Nicolosi, co-founder of NARTH does not discourage homosexual behavior in his clients. UPDATE: Jim Brown at ONN published a follow up article to the one … Continue reading “Losing my religion? That’s news to me…”