Unprotected: How universities can be hazardous to student health

I have interviewed the anonymous author of the new book Unprotected and briefly reviewed the book. Released tomorrow, the book provides a very sobering look at unrestained sexuality on campuses and how campus health services are often accomplices in the risky behavior (not at GCC of course :).

Ted Haggard’s apology

Anong other things, Haggard said this morning via letter to his congregation, “”The fact is I am guilty of sexual immorality. And I take responsibility for the entire problem. I am a deceiver and a liar. There’s a part of my life that is so repulsive and dark that I have been warring against it for all of my adult life…” I suspect he is not referring to drug addiction when he refers to that which he has been at war about during his life. He may be able now to find some assistance since he will not be able to avoid his war.

Video and transcript of the apology. More on Haggard’s disclosures. The more that is revealed the more unclear things seem.