A Peter Waldron Sighting in Iowa: Spreading the Gospel of Michele Bachmann

Peter Waldron, the man who helped Michele Bachmann take the Iowa caucus vote in August, is back in Iowa organizing pastors. According to the New York Times yesterday, Waldron was deploying his faith based strategies:

One Bachmann aide, Peter Waldron, gathered 16 evangelical pastors in Des Moines last week to discuss strategy. “These are our caucus-builders,” Mr. Waldron said. “We have a very deliberate plan. It’s been thought-out, prayed over.”

The plan probably looks something like the one he implemented for Gary Bauer in 2000, and described here. Waldron might be informing pastors in Iowa that Bachmann is like King David and Rick Perry like King Saul as he said in August, just after the straw poll victory. Churches are prime source of campaign energy in the plan, turning them into political organizing stations, where they spread the gospel of their favorite candidate.

Alan Chambers on It Gets Better: Life Comes First

In a blog post today on the Exodus International site, Exodus President Alan Chambers walked back from earlier criticism of the “It Gets Better” campaign a bit. Chambers writes:

A few months ago I went on record criticizing the “It Gets Better” campaign that has gone viral with an anti-bullying message for LGBT teens.  My criticism was over the use of “Woody,” the fictional star from the box office smash Toy Story trilogy.  I reacted because I hate when iconic children’s heroes are used to further what I perceive to be adult causes.  With further reflection and thought, though, I have to admit that I was wrong to question their marketing strategy without expressing my full support for what is the heart of their campaign – encouraging LGBT teens to choose life.
I know I am going to get a barrage of emails, calls and letters about this from those who think that I am caving to pressure.  Truth be told I am pressured daily by both pro-gay and pro-Church groups (and everyone in between).  I don’t listen to all of the “advice” or “criticism” that is offered, but I do review most it.  And, I pray about it. It keeps me up at night as I weigh the impact my opinions and words have on others globally. I don’t want to ever be guilty of towing a “party” line, whether that party is political, social or religious, just because that’s what’s expected or because it garners a donation.  I want to live out my biblical beliefs in a way that draws people to Christ.  When it comes to kids killing themselves, I can’t justify criticizing a campaign that, at its deepest core, is most about saving the lives of LGBT kids.  I care MORE about a kid choosing life than whether or not he or she embraces a gay identity. Life comes first.  Living out our biblical convictions means fighting for the lives of young people at all cost.  Can any of us actually say we’d rather our teens, neighbors, friends or complete strangers kill themselves than be gay?  I certainly can’t.  Regardless of where someone falls on the debate over sexuality, I hope we can all agree to move the issue of bullying and suicide, especially where kids are concerned, to a non-polarized, non-politicized and non-divisive issue.

I appreciate Alan’s statement here. I think this needs to be made known to folks in the Anoka-Hennepin School District who are resisting bullying prevention programs.
Alan goes on to describe his experience as a child who was bullied. He has an experiential perspective that many social conservatives ignore. A middle school kid who is being harassed with anti-gay slurs and threatened with violence because of a perceived orientation doesn’t care about your religious beliefs. He just wants help to make it stop. In Anoka-Hennepin, for instance, the Parents Action League puts ideology before kids, in my opinion. Alan’s statement is something that I hope they see.
UPDATE: The Christian Post just published an article about Chamber’s statement prominently on their front page.

Straw Poll Results Make Values Voter Summit Look Fringe

Here are the results of today’s Values Voter Straw Poll:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) has won Family Research Council Action’s fourth-ever Values Voter Summit Straw Poll. Businessman Herman Cain finished in second place and former Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) finished third.
The following are the straw poll results:
Presidential Candidate Name Total Votes Percentage:
Michele Bachmann 157 8%
Herman Cain 447 23%
Newt Gingrich 54 3%
Jon Huntsman 2 0%
Ron Paul 732 37%
Rick Perry 167 8%
Mitt Romney 88 4%
Rick Santorum 323 16%
Undecided 13 1%

Does anyone think Ron Paul is going to take the GOP nomination? Is Rick Santorum really third in the race? Romney and Cain lead the polls I have seen and Cain did well here. Romney however, is going to do much better in the GOP primaries than he did here.

Wretched Radio Listeners Express Disappointment Over Decision to Stay With American Family Radio

Last week, the American Family Association issued an ultimatum to two hosts of radio shows on the American Family Radio network – either stop speaking at events hosted by Brannon Howse or be removed from the AFR network. AFA decided that people who help Howse and his Worldview Weekend organization are not welcome to be a part of their lineup. Leading up to The Response prayer meeting, convened by Texas Governor Rick Perry, and paid for by the AFA, Howse had criticized the prominent participation of members of the New Apostolic Reformation in The Response. The AFA President, Tim Wildmon told me last week that “AFR is under no obligation to run programs of individuals who are going to help Brannon when he is attacking our friends. We make programming decisions all the time.”
On Friday, one of the hosts, John Loeffler, decided not to continue with AFR. On Tuesday, just ahead of the Wednesday deadline for a decision set by the AFA, Todd Friel, host of Wretched Radio issued a statement on their group’s Facebook page announcing intention to continue with AFA and drop out of a prior commitment to speak at a Worldview Weekend in 2012. The note elicited many comments from fans, some of whom seemed confused about what the announcement meant. Once other commenters explained the situation, many Wretched fans expressed disappointment in the decision. Here are some of those comments:
Cathy Blackerby Mathews asked:

My question is this: Will Wretched cover the NAR movement? They clearly proclaim a false gospel. The AFA has made it pretty clear that they will not tolerate this. I just don’t understand how the Wretched gang does not see that they have ti…ed their own hands here. This movement is huge- it’s tentacles are moving into all kinds of areas- conservative politics, Word-Faith, church growth, territorial demons/spiritual warfare, IHOP, missions. It is all about power and alliances for the NAR- their theology dictates that this be the case. Please Wretched gang- look into this stuff. Herescope has done extensive documented research -as well as Brannon obviously.

Greg Harrison said:

I am not going to stop listening to Wretched, I am still a fan, but I think I have to take Todd’s advice: when someone makes a less than biblically informed decision then my discernment radar has to go up. I never thought I would have to us…e that for Wretched. I am very saddened by this decision and wonder how your ministry will be weakened if you have to censor yourself so as not to offend your network. I also wonder, as Howse pointed out, how you can justify your recent comments on James MacDonald (with which I whole-heartedly agreed) in the light of your decision to agree to AFA’s demands when they are aligning with and protecting heretics. On another note: Chris Rosebrough (who was recently interviewed on Wretched) is heard in 57 countries and has a very large audience for Fighting for the Faith without the aid of a large network like AFA. I am sure Wretched could survive without AFA.

Joy Wenning said she will stop following the show, saying

Personally, I prefer listening to Wretched, BUT. will no longer. I know Brannon is being gracious, however, I have much more respect for Brannon and John. Wretched, you have an extremely weak reason(s). It is clear you didn’t act on principle…but went to every extent possible to find an out. You have to think a whole lot to come up with your list. One normally does that when they want to hang on to something bad enough and are willing to ignore the obvious. Do a heart check. You are willing to let AFA snap you into submission. I can no longer in good conscience listen knowing you have compromised on this large of an issue. The times are a changing and we will be pressured more and more to compromise. I think you are really inconsistent in what you’ve done.

Earlier today on the same thread, Wretched Radio’s Joel Anderson responded to those who expressed disagreement with the decision saying:

Wretched ?(Joel) Cathy, Angie, Joy, everyone – Let me be clear. This has absolutely nothing to do with what we do or don’t speak out against. Nothing. Wretched will continue to speak out against NAR [New Apostolic Reformation], IHOP [International House of Prayer], etc. The controversy will not affect our… programming in the least bit. We have not changed anything content-wise on Wretched. If we get bounced from stations and networks (and we have countless times) for what we air…so be it. We stand behind what we say.

After this comment, Jim De Arras asked:

Joel, Will Wretched remain free to speak out against AFA’s association with NAR in the Rick Perry event or praise Brannon for his stand? If not, you are compromised.

Prior to the ultimatum, Wretched had not discussed the criticisms of Howse on the show. Given the AFA’s decision, doing so now would invite retaliation.
Despite the majority of comments being negative on the decision, a few promised to keep listening.
Teresa Atkins said:

Love you guys!!! We support you Friel and staff. We don’t support AFA. We will keep listening via your Wretched club. Praying for you all. Grace and peace to you and your families.

For his part, Howse encouraged Friel’s listeners to continue with the show, but expressed disappointment over the decision on his website:

Brannon encourages his audience to continue listening to & learning from Wretched Radio & his friend Todd Friel. Brannon does lovingly explain why he is disappointed in the excuses given by Wretched Radio in their statement & explains why their statement claiming there is not a theological issue at stake is wrong.