Agapepress article about PFOX

A reader emailed to ask why the Agapepress is reporting that I still speak for PFOX. The writer is recounting events of over a year ago to describe the PTA’s response to PFOX. I was indeed involved in a 2005 event where my bullying and sexual orientation curriculum were released while at the PTA meeting with PFOX. This is old news however, and I am not currently involved with PFOX. For what it’s worth, my understanding is that Richard Cohen is not on the PFOX board any longer.

Depression and gay men

The Southern Voice is running an article about the Medius report on depression and gay men. I think this addresses some of the comments and concerns expressed in recent posts. This article expresses the common view that depression leads to risky sexual behavior. However, I wonder if this could go the other way around. We have evidence that at least for teen girls, sexual behavior leads to depression. I wonder if this the link could run both ways in this case.