Fort Worth Star-Telegram on the Barton-Starbucks Fuss

Columnist Bud Kennedy serves up some thoughts on the controversy brewing between David Barton and Starbucks. Turns out Bud doesn’t find much happening in the greater evangelical world, at least if the Southern Baptists are any guide.

At the annual Southern Baptist Convention meeting this week in Houston, the manager of the convention center Starbucks said lines have stayed long.

As Kennedy points out, Baptists’ Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission president Russell Moore has discouraged boycotts and if the manager of the Houston convention center Starbucks is right, his brethren are following Moore rather than the boycotters.
Yours truly is quoted about half-way through the article, making a similar case as I presented here. Hope you’ll go read Bud’s column.

Exodus International Withdraws from Exodus Global Alliance

From the Exodus blog:
Exodus International Withdraws from Exodus Global Alliance

The Exodus International Board of Directors officially voted to withdraw from the Exodus Global Alliance (EGA) May 28, 2013 after 18 years of membership.  Exodus International was a founding member of EGA in 1995.  This change in relationship releases both ministries to serve the Lord, the Church and their constituents in ways that honor their respective calling.

EGA is the worldwide coalition of “Exodus” ministries, which seek to work together under one umbrella structure.  In 2005 Exodus Europe withdrew from EGA, as well.
Exodus International wishes to thank Bryan Kliewer, the EGA Board and network of ministries for their longstanding partnership and friendship.
This is a significant move as Exodus Global Alliance is more geared to the orientation change paradigm. Since Exodus is moving away from that paradigm, this move makes sense.

Paul-Cruz 2016 – Have the Kingmakers Decided?

Surely, nothing is certain, but this meet up probably offers a sign about what the kingmakers are thinking.

The Iowa Renewal Project

Cordially invites you to participate in its

Pastors’ Policy Briefing

Rediscovering God in America

With Special Guests

Senator Rand Paul


Senator Ted Cruz


Historian David Barton


Former Congressman Bob McEwen

Who will be accompanied by

Dr. Ken Canfield

Pastor Ken Graves

Gail McWilliams

Mat Staver, Founder & Chairman of Liberty Counsel

Pastor Jason Taylor

Pastor Laurence White

Dr. Don Wildmon

and other guest speakers

To be held at

Des Moines Marriott Downtown

Located at

700 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50309

on Thursday, July 18th and Friday, July 19th, 2013

 Meals and lodging are complimentary

and will be provided by the Iowa Renewal Project

To reserve your space, please RSVP no later than July 17th

by calling (800) 921-1928 or 

Hotel information will be distributed the week of July 10th

Reservations are limited and will be accepted on first call basis


Thursday, July 18, 2013

5:00 p.m. Check – in and registration

6:00 p.m. Reception

6:30p.m. Dinner Session

Friday, July 19, 2013

7:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Morning Session

10:30 a.m. Break

11:30 a.m. Luncheon

2:30 p.m. Close

It was at one of these events that Mike Huckabee famously said he wished all Americans could be forced at gunpoint to listen to all of David Barton’s messages.

The American Renewal Project (and state branches like Iowa’s) is the project of David Lane. Lane is the fellow who recently wrote an article on waging war to restore a Christian America — which was actually removed from World Net Daily(!?).  In that article, Lane wrote:

As to the future of America – and the collapse of this once-Christian nation – Christians must not only be allowed to have opinions, but politically, Christians must be retrained to war for the Soul of America and quit believing the fabricated whopper of the “Separation of Church and State,” the lie repeated ad nauseum by the left and liberals to keep Christian America – the moral majority – from imposing moral government on pagan public schools, pagan higher learning and pagan media. Bill Bennett’s insight, “… the two essential questions Plato posed as: Who teaches the children, and what do we teach them?” requires deep thought, soul-searching and a response from Christian America to the secular, politically correct and multicultural false gods imposing their religion on America’s children.

Lane rolls back the curtain and makes very clear the goals of his American renewal — imposition of his view of Christianity on public institutions. Those looking around the potential GOP contenders in 2016 and think Rand Paul might be a friend to libertarian policies need to examine those who are now putting Paul in front of Christian pastors.  Lane is showing up all over with Paul, and accompanied him to Israel in January, in what Lane called, “…absolutely the first step in his 2016 White House campaign.” 

During the GOP primary season, Ron Paul courted evangelical support and ended up having to back away from dominionist pastors who became a distraction.  Will Rand Paul follow in his father’s footsteps? Possibly by virtue of his low profile, Lane has not been an obvious liability to the conservatives he has supported. However, images of Christian America warring on everybody else to impose one particular version of Christianity probably won’t play well outside of Iowa.

Funny Tweet of the Day: Starbucks at the #SBC13 Annual Meeting

Southern Baptists are holding their annual meeting in Houston, TX right now. Apparently, a bunch of them need schooled on what coffee to drink.

Had to add this one: