Will Evangelicals Display the Mark of Trump?

Michael Gerson nails it in his column about evangelical support for Donald Trump in yesterday’s Washington Post.
He reports that 500 evangelical “leaders” will meet with Trump on June 21 and berates them because he assumes they have sold out. It certainly looks that way to me.
I think evangelical leaders have a lot to lose by supporting Trump. Gerson asserts that they take on the mark of Trump by their support. They risk selling their souls for a nasty political stew. I already don’t follow or respect most of them because they have been doing it for years. In this case, Trump has no redeeming qualities as a potential president and many obvious detriments. Evangelicals who jump on board will lose more than an election.
One bright spot in the article Gerson cited:

On the other hand, NewSpring Church Senior Pastor Perry Noble is not too eager to attend the said event. He wrote on his website last week that he’s one of those exclusively invited but called the event a “hypocrisy.”
Perry added that Trump has already spent enough time “proving himself.”

Southern Baptist president Ronnie Floyd wants to get to know Trump. Noble correctly says Trump has already let everybody know who he is. What will a 5 minute handshake and a meeting with 500 people tell you about Trump that he hasn’t already said and done?
FRC’s head Tony Perkins told Time that the purpose is to get to know Trump.

The invitation-only event is scheduled on June 21 in New York City and will be attended by the top names in the evangelical and conservative groups. President of the Family Research Council Tony Perkins told Time that the goal for the event is for them to get to know Trump and his state policies further.

I can just hear Perkins doing his Bing Crosby imitation.

Gettin’ to know you,
Gettin’ to know all about you.
Gettin’ to like you,
Gettin’ to hope you like me.
Gettin’ to know you,
Putting it my way but nicely.
You are precisely,
My cup of tea.
On his Facebook page, Gerson introduced his column as follows:
I honestly think that conservative Christians will look back on this embrace of Trump (by some) as one of the most disturbing and embarrassing periods in their history of public engagement. Many evangelicals I know now regard Falwell and Robertson at the height of their influence in the 80s and 90s as simplistic, discrediting representatives of their ideals. That is nothing… nothing… compared to shameful spectacle of Christians contorting their convictions to accept a secularist who praises the love of money and builds resentment against minorities and the vulnerable.

True or False: Donald Trump is the Vanguard of American Fascism

Several columns have been published of late claiming that Donald Trump is bringing fascism to America. Others argue he is not a fascist. In this post, I link to articles on the subject and invite readers to weigh in. Trump has done and promises to do things which are troubling and disqualifying, but do they come together and make American fascism? I think it is plausible but I continue to read and consider the evidence.
This is How Fascism Comes to America – Robert Kagan
Yes, a Trump Presidency Would Bring Fascism to America – Robert Kagan
This is How Fascism Takes Hold: The Media is Turning Donald Trump into Just Another Candidate – Neal Gabler
Yes, Donald Trump is a Fascist – Jamil Smith
Nobody Knows Anything about Fascism – Michael Ledeen
Donald Trump is Not a Fascist – Economist
I Asked Five Fascism Experts if Donald Trump is a Fascist and Here’s What They Said – Dylan Matthews
Is Donald Trump a Fascist? – Isaac Chotiner
Readers, list other articles you find on this subject in the comments section.

Bill Kristol Settles on David French for His Renegade Party

A former conservative think tank lawyer and National Review columnist (and Patheos evangelical blogger) David French is apparently at the top of the Renegade party ticket. From Twitter:

French seems like a nice man and worked hard for Romney in 2012, but as a serious let’s-get-this-thing-into-the-House-of-Representatives candidate, I don’t see it.
He also has theocon cred which for me is a problem. As Right Wing Watch pointed out today, he also has lauded David Barton as a historian – pretty much a serious question mark on his discernment.
One can still hope that delegates wake up at the GOP convention and say #neverfascism.